Friday, 21 October 2011

Level 4 Web Design


  1. can you give sample assignment for student help

    1. Go to the Level 4 HNC section and there you will find sample assignments and some useful material. However, if you're looking for sample answers, or completed assignments, your tutor should provide examples of what they're looking for. A skeleton report, with the right structure, headings and an indication of what should go where should be key teaching tool so ask for that.

      You could, however, deduce a lot of this from the presentations and notes I've provided.

      Assessment of Edexcel/BTEC HNCs is quite complex as you need to demonstrate higher level skills across units rather than merely some in each, Again, you should seek advice from your tutor or whoever will be amrking / grading your work as views appear to differ as to what comprises a merit, distinction etc.

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  3. Wspaniały artykuł, dziękujemy za złożenie tego razem! To oczywiście jeden świetny post. Dziękuję za cenne informacje i spostrzeżenia, które tu dostarczyłeś. projektowanie stron internetowych
